
the blog

The Renaissance is Coming

The matrix is rebooting

Sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum.

Diverse Books Are More Important Than Ever


I wrote this short essay one year ago (2015). It sounds so optimistic now, but I’m not deterred. It’s statistically proven that readers are more empathetic than non-readers. Diverse books have never been more important than right now, which is why I’m not only committed to writing books with strong female and queer protagonists, but […]



This has been a week of saying NO! And while no is very necessary right now, yes feels better. Here are a few things I say yes to: Cats sitting in manuscript boxes. Chocolate chips and blueberries on French toast. Hugs from little humans. Librarians who keep my local library stocked with great queer YA. […]

Inspiration and Action


In the coming weeks, months and years, each of us will need to take guided action to ensure that love, hope and inclusion have a place in this world. I’m daunted, but not deterred. After five days of intense emotions, I turned to my work to give me the strength for this new era. I […]



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